Home & About Lunacy Lore

Practical Lunacy


Our Chat Server


One of the best things about listening to Practical Lunacy is that if you listen live, you can interact with the show by joining our Discord server! You can chat with other people that are listening, and you can help steer the direction of the show! Even if you're not around durring live shows, the server is pretty nifty. You can chat with the hosts and other fans and people that don't even listen but are just there for fun. Sometimes we have movie or game nights. Luna holds virtual birthday parties for herself, and there are other activities that go on throughout the year. Click on the button below to read the rules of our server, and the button on the rules page to take you to the server. Make sure you pay attention to the rules. You'll have to agree to them in order to get full access to the server!


The End